The power of parody in eastern Ukraine
The tired looking young men in t-shirts and combat fatigues manning the barricades in Slovyansk say they are not going anywhere.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tells John Kerry that Ukraine must stop its military operation in southeastern regions of the country as part of efforts to defuse the crisis.
Former US congressman Ron Paul says imposing sanctions on Russia over Ukraine contradicts the precepts of trade: “I’m opposed to virtually all sanctions unless there’s a declared war.”
Western leaders agree to extend sanctions against Russia for failing to abide by the Ukraine peace accord agreed in Geneva.
John Kerry says America is “ready to act” against Russia and that the “window to change course is closing”. But is this just more empty words? Channel 4 News looks back.
Kiev reportedly suspends its “anti-terror operation” in eastern Ukraine after five pro-Russian militants are killed and Russia orders military exercises on the Ukraine border.
As Kiev announces the end of an Easter truce and re-launches its “anti-terrorist operation” in eastern Ukraine, Russia warns it will retaliate if its citizens are threatened.
US Vice-President Joe Biden tells the Ukraine parliament that in future the country may not have to be dependent on Russia for its energy.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses Ukraine of violating an accord reached in Geneva last week aimed at averting a wider conflict between the two neighbours.
The Ukrainian pressure group scaled church steeples and ambushed President Putin. But that was before the Ukrainian Revolution. Channel 4 News speaks to Femen about what happens next.
At least two people were killed in a gun battle in eastern Ukraine. The outbreak of fighting in Slaviansk broke the uneasy silence that had fallen on the area after Kiev promised a truce over Easter.
The tired looking young men in t-shirts and combat fatigues manning the barricades in Slovyansk say they are not going anywhere.
At the end of day-long talks in Geneva all parties seemed to step back from the precipice, following fast moving events in Eastern Ukraine is our International Editor Lindsey Hilsum in Donetsk.
President Putin pledges to do all he can to protect fellow Russians living in what he’s called “Novorossiya” – the historic name for part of Ukraine. How great a threat do his words represent?
As we saw the crowds gathering round the Ukrainian armoured personnel carriers parked near the railway tracks in Kramatorsk we thought we might encounter a hostile crowd.
It is not just protest groups using social media nowadays: governments are getting in on the act – and in unstable eastern Ukraine, Facebook has become a tool of conflict.