Today’s Iran deal is a triumph for international diplomacy
The most astonishing aspect of today’s deal on Iran’s nuclear capability is that neither side is negotiating the terms of its defeat.
The UN Security Council has held an emergency meeting following the deadly violence in Gaza which coincided with America opening its new embassy in Israel in Jerusalem. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said it would be a mistake to blame the deaths on the embassy moving from Tel Aviv to the city which Palestinians view as…
The most astonishing aspect of today’s deal on Iran’s nuclear capability is that neither side is negotiating the terms of its defeat.
The UN is frequently accused of waste and incompetence. Maybe if they started appointing senior people on merit that might change.
Achieving a unified approach in dealing with the threat from Islamic State is one of several challenges facing the US at the United Nations General Assembly this week.
How much has Britain’s global position changed since Tony Blair led us into the Iraq War in 2003? FactCheck compares Britain to the other UN Security Council members.
President Obama has realised that even if he doesn’t stay up at night worrying about how essential or special the relationship is, there is something useful about a mate you can rely on, like a permanently available date for a lonely night.
Sarah Smith blogs on attempts by the Argentinian Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana to persuade the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to encourage talks over the Falkland Islands.