Unions hold full fire on cuts agenda
There is only one aim for the Union movement here in Manchester. Can they turn the government’s austerity drive from an issue of self interest into an issue of nationwide social justice?
Who are the hidden losers in Danny Alexander’s pensions vision? FactCheck gets to work…
There is only one aim for the Union movement here in Manchester. Can they turn the government’s austerity drive from an issue of self interest into an issue of nationwide social justice?
How does civil service pay compare to jobs in the public sector and the private sector?
There was a possibility that the trade unions would try to revive their power to inflict defeats on the leadership in contemporary resolution votes – they surrendered to a self-neutering on this when Gordon Brown took over at No.10 in 2007, as a gesture of goodwill.
Gordon Brown prepares to talk about “cuts” in his speech to the TUC Conference – but will the unions bay for blood?