United States

  • 10 Apr 2011

    Donald Trump: millionaire property developer, host of the hugely successful Celebrity Apprentice – and now presidential candidate? Sarah Smith reports.

  • 19 Jan 2011

    Both China and the USA have been taken by surprise, and neither quite knows how to deal with it, writes International Editor Lindsey Hilsum as the Chinese President visits America.

  • 12 Jan 2011

    Former US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has posted an eight-minute video on her Facebook page reacting to the Tucson shootings, as Barack Obama arrives in Arizona.

  • 3 Nov 2010

    The Democrats have suffered a defeat in the US midterm elections, but as Richard Wolffe writes for Channel 4 News there is not much to celebrate for the Republican Tea Party either.

  • 2 Nov 2010

    America votes! Why should we care?

    Jon Snow explains why people in the UK should care about what happens in the US midterm elections.

  • 1 Jun 2010

    The interests of the United States and Israel are no longer indistinguishable, as US reaction to Israel’s attack on the Gaza flotilla illustrates, blogs Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 14 May 2010

    First stop for new Foreign Secretary William Hague is Washington – it makes sense for a new foreign secretary who takes the traditional view that Britain’s relations with America trump all others, writes international editor Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 6 May 2010

    15 miles out from the Louisiana coast, the oil spill from BP’s Deepwater well begins, blogs Alex Thomson. And as it enters the animal food chain, an ecological disaster looms.

  • 17 Nov 2009

    Little of substance was said at Barack Obama’s joint press conference with China’s President Hu, writes Jonathan Rugman.

  • 17 Nov 2009

    If there's a financial crisis, it's size that matters

    The ingredients are falling into place for another global financial crisis, blogs Jon Snow. And if it happens, the examples of Ireland and Iceland should serve to remind the UK that size matters.

  • 30 Sep 2009

    As if Obama doesn’t already have enough on his plate – healthcare reform is still stalled in the Congress, direct talks with Iran are starting tomorrow and a complete review of US strategy in Afghanistan is underway – now the great battle of over climate has officially begun in Washington. And this one is likely…

  • 6 Jul 2009

    Gorbachev flashed his "iron teeth"

    It is 24 years since Reagan and Gorbachev opened the window on the Cold War. They met in November 1985 at a chateau on Lake Geneva. I was lucky enough to be sent from Washington where I was resident correspondent for ITN. Today in a rather more low key moment, Obama meets Medvedev.

  • 24 Apr 2009

    1989-2009: inauguration day dawns

    Perhaps inevitably, my final highlight from the last 20 years is from the day an African American man became president of the United States. I was out on the streets early in the morning encountering the people from near and far who’d come to share in the moment. – See the whole of Jon’s first show…

  • 9 Apr 2009

    Obama tackles Cuba and defence spending

    We are about to see Obama’s mettle tested domestically in America. I’m in the States this week and very struck by how his first international foray has gone down here. To some extent its supposed success has been taken for granted. There have been comparisons with Reagan in that the office of the US president…