US elections

  • 10 May 2012

    How much would you pay for dinner with George Clooney? A fundraising meal at the Hollywood star’s Los Angeles home is set to raise a record $12 million for President Obama’s re-election campaign.

  • 2 May 2012

    After just weeks in the job, Richard Grenell suddenly resigns as Mitt Romney’s foreign affairs spokesman – after a backlash from social conservatives about his sexuality.

  • 1 May 2012

    A year after US special forces shot dead the world’s most wanted terrorist, bin Laden’s death has sparked a furious political row. A risky tactic by President Obama – now could it backfire?

  • 26 Apr 2012

    Newt Gingrich, the man who staged more comebacks than Lazarus on acid, is finally quitting the presidential race, although details are hazy. He’ll be missed – by political reporters, at least.

  • 25 Apr 2012

    Together we will win on 6 November, Mitt Romney told the Republican party after his clean sweep in Tuesday’s primaries. But how will he shape up against Barack Obama?

  • 24 Apr 2012

    Former campaign aide Andrew Young is back on the stand as a key witness for the prosecution against his erstwhile boss. But amid rival claims from two self-confessed liars, who will the jury believe?

  • 23 Apr 2012

    The story of John Edwards’ operatic rise and freefall moves to North Carolina’s courthouse for opening arguments by lawyers, who say the ex-senator used campaign funds to hide an illegitimate child.

  • 18 Apr 2012

    Investigators are questioning 11 secret service agents accused of cavorting with prostitutes ahead of President Obama’s visit to Columbia. Could their behaviour have put US security at risk?

  • 15 Apr 2012

    After a dramatic week in the Republican race for the White House, political astrologer Demian Allen takes a look at Mitt Romney’s fortunes and finds a man “at odds with himself”.

  • 12 Apr 2012

    One issue has dominated the US election campaign today: women, work and stay-at-home moms. A Democratic operative’s comments about Mitt Romney’s wife Ann has sparked a political firestorm.

  • 10 Apr 2012

    It’s all over for the Republican hopeful Rick Santorum – who has announced the end of his campaign, after phoning the front runner Mitt Romney to admit defeat.

  • 6 Apr 2012

    America’s jobs market slowed down last month, as companies stopped taking on new workers, revealing more uncertainty about the prospects for economic growth.

  • 29 Mar 2012

    The arguments are over; the rhetoric is done. Now America’s deeply divided Supreme Court must decide whether President Obama’s signature achievement should stand, fall, or be largely struck down.

  • 26 Mar 2012

    On the streets, and online: thousands of people across America are demanding justice for the black teenager shot dead in Florida, while the hoodie has become an unlikely symbol of protest.

  • 26 Mar 2012

    In the biggest case for more than 40 years, nine justices must decide whether the president’s sweeping healthcare reforms should be declared unconstitutional. Will the law, or politics prevail?