Guns in America: was Sandy Hook a tipping point?
It could be one of the biggest issues of Barack Obama’s presidency. Can the US let go of its guns? Matt Frei takes a look in the first of our special series, Guns in America.
The US Senate votes for a debate on reforming gun laws following Sandy Hook. The vote means plans for background checks will now be considered by Congress in the coming weeks. Jonathan Miller reports.
As unemployment falls by 14,000 between October and December to 2.5 million in the latest official figures, employment experts claim lower redundancy levels are down to ‘structural change’.
The death of Reeva Steenkamp – girlfriend of Paralympian Oscar Pistorius – may have shocked South Africa, but with the fear of gun violence widespread, are their laws tough enough?
Assertive, confident and in no mood for compromise. After years of frustration at a bitterly divided Congress, Obama laid out his priorities for the next four years: a wish list, or a realistic plan?
A chance to lay out his priorities and the goals of his second term. As President Obama prepares to make his State of the Union address tonight, he will be warning congress: don’t try to stop me.
It could be one of the biggest issues of Barack Obama’s presidency. Can the US let go of its guns? Matt Frei takes a look in the first of our special series, Guns in America.
As part of our special series on Guns in America, Jonathan Miller reports from Texas where their answer to bad guys with guns is to have more good guys with guns.
The former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head in 2011 has made an emotional plea to US senators to curb gun violence. Matt Frei reports.
Three people are reported to be injured today after shots were heard at Lone Star College in Texas.
If overhaul of America’s healthcare system defined Barack Obama’s first term, then the consequences of the massacre at Newtown may well define his second. Channel 4 News assesses his chances.
If the first term is all about making an impact, the second term is about the legacy. For Obama – still weathering an economic storm – gun control has forced itself to the top of his agenda.
“Congress needs to examine its conscience”, President Obama has declared – promising a range of measures to control gun violence, including a “meaningful” assault weapons ban.
Quentin Tarantino told Channel 4 News that movie violence is a fantasy, with no link to real-life violence. But the director has admitted in the past that people are affected by on-screen aggression.
More than a hundred scientists from America’s top universities have warned that the pro-gun lobby is hampering the search for a solution to firearms violence, in an open letter.
After the Connecticut school shooting: the search for blame. Media bosses say it’s not on-screen violence that’s the problem, as they meet vice president Biden for talks on America’s gun culture.