WikiLeaks ‘under cyber attack’ ahead of US files release
Whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks has said it is under attack from hackers, just hours before it is set to release the latest batch of classified US documents.
US braced for fresh WikiLeaks release
Government are bracing themselves for the latest batch of classified documents by WikiLeaks. Former diplomat Carne Ross tells Channel 4 News there is a need for more responsible accountability.
US briefs allies on new WikiLeaks documents
The United States has briefed Britain, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Israel ahead of the expected release of classified US documents, according to WikiLeaks.
US briefs allies on new WikiLeaks documents
The United States has briefed Britain, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Israel ahead of the expected release of classified US documents, according to WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to fight order for arrest
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is to challenge a Swedish prosecutor’s “bizarre and exotic” request for an international arrest warrant, his lawyer tells Channel 4 News.
MoD condemns Iraq war files leak as reckless
The MoD has joined the US in condemning Wikileaks for the largest ever leak of classified files, as human rights campaigners call for an investigation into thousands of unreported civilian deaths.
Iraq secret war logs: surrender and die
Exclusive: a lawyer tells Channel 4 News there could be evidence of war crimes in the Iraq logs made public by WikiLeaks which contain records of fighters being killed as they try to surrender.
Iraq secret war files, 400,000 leaked
In the biggest official files leak in history nearly 400,000 Iraq war logs reveal the massive scale of civilian deaths and new torture allegations following an investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches.
Iraq war files: death at checkpoint
The secret files show that two-thirds of deaths 2004-09 were civilians and that significantly more ordinary people were killed at checkpoints than enemy fighters.
Iraq’s secret war logs: Iraqi torture
Iraq’s war logs published by WikiLeaks reveal US troops appeared to abuse Iraqi prisoners after the Abu Ghraib scandal, turned a blind eye to Iraqi-on-Iraqi torture and imprisoned one in 50 Iraqi men.
Iraq war files: Apache Hellfire victims
Iraq’s secret war logs published by WikiLeaks show Iraqi civilians were attacked by US Apache Hellfire missiles and in some instances fighters were killed when trying to surrender.
Iraq war files ‘the Pentagon never wanted you to see’
There is so much data the Channel 4 Dispatches team had to design their own computer programme to sift through it – and the results of that are truly startling, writes Alex Thomson.
WikiLeaks killings: UK troops face legal challenge
Campaigners have launched a bid to take the MoD to court over alleged civilian killings by British forces in Afghanistan, uncovered by Wikileaks. Channel 4 News has obtained the legal letter.
Taliban hunt WikiLeaks outed Afghan informers
War files: the Taliban issues a chilling warning to Afghans, alleged to have worked as informers for the Nato-led coalition, telling Channel 4 News ‘US spies” will be hunted down and punished.
WikiLeaks: damage is done say human rights group
Thousands of Afghans have downloaded the WikiLeaks files, the Afghan Human Rights Commissioner tells Channel 4 News. It raises fears over informants’ safety where personal details may be revealed.