Trump lashes out at Minneapolis protesters after police station torched – Channel 4 News
Contains distressing content.
29 May 2020

Trump lashes out at Minneapolis protesters after police station torched

Washington Correspondent

It was an 18 second video that lit the touchpaper on an old American divide.

The clip of a black man being held on the ground by a policeman sparked rioting and looting in the city where it happened, Minneapolis, and beyond.

The man, George Floyd, later died.

Then Donald Trump waded in with a message on social media.

Twitter has hidden his post saying the American President’s tweet has breached their guidelines on glorifying violence.

This has upped the ante in Trump’s new found war with what was once his favourite social media platform – causing a distraction from the far more serious and seemingly incurable issue of police violence against unarmed black men in America and the response.

Warning: this report contains distressing images of the incident.