13 May 2013

Vicky Pryce, out of prison but what next?


Coming soon to a bookshop near you: the revealing inside account of how Vicky Pryce lost her freedom, her career and her husband. Or maybe not.

Coming soon to a bookshop near you: the revealing inside account of how Vicky Pryce lost her freedom, her career and her husband. Or maybe not.

With Ms Pryce returning home after her stint in prison today, the rumour-mill has gone into overdrive, with lurid suggestions she’s been penning a “tell-all memoir” about the collapse of her marriage while behind bars.

In a statement on her behalf this morning, her solicitor Robert Brown suggests she has other priorities.

Ms Pryce was spotted clutching a notebook in prison, giving rise to the assumption she was about to bare all on the tragic set of domestic circumstances which led to her incarceration. In fact, though, I hear she’s become consumed by a sense of injustice about how women are treated by the criminal justice system. A book about that might be more forthcoming.

As I’ve blogged before, this would be a worthwhile subject. Nearly 4,000 women are currently behind bars, and campaign groups like the Prison Reform Trust suggest they’re disproportionately affected by a jail term – nearly twice as likely to suffer from depression as male prisoners, and 10 times more likely than men to self-harm in prison.

And as an economist, Ms Pryce will know better than most that imprisoning so many women – eight out of ten of whom are convicted of non-violent offences – makes little financial sense. The average cost of locking up a woman is £41,682, compared to a ballpark figure of £15,000 for a community order.

What’s really tragic too is how hard many women find it to pick up their lives again after leaving prison. Ms Pryce’s solicitor said: “She now intends to spend time with her family and looks forward to returning to her career as an economist.”

But what will her job prospects be?

Ms Pryce was spotted clutching a notebook in prison, giving rise to the assumption she was about to bare all on the tragic set of domestic circumstances which led to her incarceration

Already, her hopes of literary acclamation for her book on the Greek economy, Greekonomics, have been dashed. It was put forward for the Orwell Prize, with one of the judges for the award, Arifa Akbar, declaring himself surprised “how engaging she made the dreary business of triple-dips and fiscal cliffs”. But because the award is all about exposing lies and revealing truth, the judges in the end felt that Ms Pryce’s conviction for perverting the course of justice meant that she was “one of those writers whose misdemeanour overshadows the excellent achievement of her work”.

And if Ms Pryce – with her business nous, reputation and contacts – looks set to find it a struggle, what about all those women without her qualifications and track record? A report from the National Offender Management Service last year shows that women sentenced to less than a year in prison very rarely find work when they leave. Only 8.4 per cent do, compared to 27.3 per cent of men.

Even the guys find it hard. Just look at Jonathan Aitken. Emerging from jail after serving his time for a perjury conviction, the former cabinet minister fancied a return to politics. Any such notion was swiftly scotched by the then Tory leader Michael Howard.

He has managed to carve out a new career as a writer and commentator but it took him the best part of a decade to do so. And even then, his books are largely defined by his time in prison – Prayers for People under Pressure, and a biography of the sailor and clergyman John Newton subtitled “From Disgrace to Amazing Grace”.

So Ms Pryce may find it a challenge indeed to draw a line under her eight week sojourn at Her Majesty’s pleasure.

If that does prove to be the case, it would surely be some comfort to her and of great value to others if she was to turn her bitter experience into good use by campaigning against thousands of women being incarcerated to the detriment of their own health and the public purse.

This article first appeared in The Telegraph