17 Dec 2009

Was there a plan for post-war Iraq?

Admiral Boyce claimed officials were told to “stay in their tents” rather than rebuild post-war Iraq.

Lt Gen Sir Robert Fry told the inquiry its staff “could barely conceal their moral disdain” for UK government policy. Major General Tim Cross called its then-Secretary of State Clare Short “unhelpful.” Fair to say then that the Department for International Development has already had a controversial inquiry.

We heard from the department’s former permanent secretary Sir Suma Chakrabarti last week and today it’s the turn of Jim Drummond (DfID Iraq director 2003-2005) and Martin Dinham (Europe, Middle East & Americas director 2005-2007).
There’ll also be evidence from a Treasury official Stephen Pickford, the theme all day being promoting Iraq’s recovery and growth after the initial invasion. The session doesn’t start until 11h30 but there’ll be live Tweets from then.
Strictly speaking today is the last day of evidence before the inquiry breaks for Christmas.

There’ll be a short session tomorrow morning though, at which relatives of some of those killed or injured in Iraq will get a second chance to address the committee from their perspective.
See you at 11h30…

Live Tweets at twitter.com/iraqinquiryblog