23 May 2012

What London 2012 Olympic tickets are left?

As more tickets go on sale for the London 2012 Olympics, Channel 4 News looks at what’s left and what’s not.

What London 2012 Olympic tickets are left?

Tickets went on sale from 11am on Wednesday 23 May.

Olympic 2012 bosses are warning that the website will be very busy with a wait of more than 30 minutes during peak times.

Playing the ticket roulette - a buyer's tale

It’s a process that leaves you staring at a screen for 15 minutes – with no guarantees of success at the end. Your hopes steadily rise as you stare mesmorised at a London 2012 on-screen timer – only to then cruelly discover your request may have been timed out.

I started trying to buy purchases at 11:00 exactly – or so the office’s atomic clock said anyway. Too early said the Locog system – which still didn’t allow ticket sales to begin.

30 seconds later I was off, and being confronted with a series of drop-down menus that offered a range of sports. From Boxing, to Diving, or even Weightlifting. Some in the morning, others the evening. Cruelly, it seemed, there was even a box you could check for viewing all those tantalising sports for which tickets were unavailable.

I plumped for the Olympic park tickets. A £10 ticket that doesn’t provide any sporting action – but offers the atmosphere of the Olympic park, with its big screens, sponsors areas, a landscaped grassy section sloping down to the River Lee and, of course, the picnic area that has already been dubbed Hoy Hill.

Selections made – then the anxious wait. And wait. 14 minutes – then 15 minutes – then 14 minutes again. A slow count down to a message either promising those precious tickets. Or starkly declaring my Olympic ambitious had been timed out.

For me – it was success at the first attempt. Others in the office weren’t so lucky. So back they go through the process again, again, and again. Still determined to get something, anything even, just to be at London’s Olympics.

Many sports, including athletics, cycling, equestrian, swimming and tennis – as well as the opening and closing ceremonies – are sold out from earlier ticket sale rounds.

Like other high demand events including pop concerts, we expect the website to be very busy. Locog Commercial Director, Chris Townsend

Organisers say there are still some £20 tickets available for boxing, fencing, football, table tennis, taekwondo, volleyball, weightlifting, judo and wrestling.

There is good availability for tickets ranging from £45 to £450 in archery, badminton, basketball, beach volleyball, canoe sprint, diving, handball and hockey and limited availability for the race walk, mountain biking, artistic gymnastics, rowing, sailing and water polo.

There is also low availability in gymnastics (trampoline) and shooting.

Organisers say only higher priced tickets are available for the majority of medal events.

Read more: Olympic football 'a tough ticket to sell'

Locog Commercial Director Chris Townsend said: “Our priority has been to get as many people who missed out in the sales process last year to the Games.

“We have delivered on our promise and now another 150,000 people have successfully purchased up to four tickets each.

“We are now putting the remaining tickets back on general sale. Wednesday’s sale is a live sale, and, like other high demand events including pop concerts, we expect the website to be very busy and customers may well be held in queues for over 30 minutes at peak times”