Why is the cost of living going up? – Channel 4 News
2 Feb 2022

Why is the cost of living going up?

With inflation rates in the UK at a 30 year high, energy bills set to increase at a record rate in April, how is the government responding to the cost of living crisis?

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With inflation rates in the UK at a 30 year high, energy bills set to increase at a record rate in April, how is the government responding to the cost of living crisis?

And why could Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine mean we have to pay higher gas bills in the UK?

On today’s Fourcast, we speak to our Business and Global Trade Correspondent, Paul McNamara, about why the UK’s cost of living is soaring, meaning many people are having to choose between heating or eating.

Sources: DW News, Bloomberg, BBC News

Sources: BBC Breakfast, ITV News


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