4 Sep 2024

Will the people of Grenfell get the justice they want?

Social Affairs Editor and Presenter

What does justice look like, when so many lives have been lost, countless others changed forever?

Accountability is key – from a government so in thrall to deregulation, questions around safety of life were ignored, to “systematically dishonest” companies, who knew how dangerous their products were, but sold them anyway.

A local authority which, having failed to keep its residents safe, couldn’t even treat survivors with basic human decency.

The report confirms what the people of Grenfell said they’ve always known – they were second class citizens in the richest borough in the country. The indifference and disregard towards them – quite simply fatal.

Consider this small detail – the one fire assessor in charge of Grenfell (and hundreds more properties) was a man who simply drifted into the role, the inquiry said. Many of the qualifications he claimed were simply “made up”.

So will the people of Grenfell get the justice they want?