5 Mar 2012

Witchcraft murder: couple jailed for life

A couple are sentenced to to life in prison for torturing and murdering a 15-year-old they accused of witchcraft.

Kristy Bamu

Magalie Bamu and her partner Eric Bikubi killed Bamu’s Kristy, who died in a bath on Christmas Day 2010 in Newham, east London, after days of being abused.

He had come to London from Paris with his two brothers and two sisters to spend Chrismas with his sister Magalie and her partner.

But the couple – who were said to be obsessed with witchcraft, or kindoki as it is known in their native Democratic Republic of Congo – accused him of putting spells on a younger child.

‘Prolonged torture’

Judge David Paget sentenced Bikubi to serve at least 30 years and Bamu a minimum of 25 years for their “sadistic” crimes.

“It was prolonged torture involving metal and physical suffering being inflicted before death,” he said.

He told Bikubi that he accepted that his mental damage may have made him more inclined to believe Kristy was a witch and a threat to the young child of the family.

Eric Bikubi and Magalie Bamu were convicted of murdering Kristy Bamu.

But Judge Paget added: “The belief in witchcraft, however genuine, cannot excuse an assault to another person, let alone the killing of another human being.”

He told Bamu he did not accept her denial of belief in witchcraft and that she was forced to attack Kristy by Bikubi.

“It is only explicable if you shared Eric Bikubi’s belief. It provides some explanation for what happened, but it does not excuse it,” he told her.

Bikubi and Magalie were found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey last week.

‘Begged to die’

The court heard that Kristy was in such pain after three days of fasting and being attacked that he “begged to die” before slipping under the water.
He had been struck with knives, sticks, metal bars, and a hammer and chisel.

After he refused to admit to sorcery and witchcraft, his punishments in a “deliverance” ceremony became more horrendous.

His sisters, aged 20 and 11, were also beaten but escaped further attacks after “confessing” to being witches.

Pierre Bamu: 'I wish I could have died before Kristy'

Kristy’s siblings, who also included a 13-year-old boy and a 22-year-old autistic brother, were forced to join in the torture.

Bikubi pleaded guilty to two counts of causing actual bodily harm to the girls. Magalie denied the assaults but was found guilty.

‘Forced others to take part’

Prosecutor Brian Altman QC, said: “In a staggering act of depravity and cruelty, they both forced the others to take part in the assaults upon Kristy.

“Kristy was killed in the name of witchcraft. It is hard to believe in this day and age anyone can believe someone was practising witchcraft.”

Kristy’s father Pierre said in a statement: “Kristy died in unimaginable circumstances at the hands of people he loved and trusted – people we all loved and trusted.

“I feel betrayed. To know that Kristy’s own sister, Magalie, did nothing to save him makes the pain that much worse.”