United States

  • 4 May 2017

    We speak to Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett about Humanz – a soundtrack to the post Trump world, and a protest against it.

  • 4 May 2017

    Donald Trump insists he WILL build his wall – but both Congress and Mexico are refusing to pay for it, and even his supporters are sceptical it’ll keep illegal immigrants out – tonight we have a special report.

  • 4 May 2017

    Republicans have voted to repeal and replace Barack Obama’s healthcare scheme after a key vote in the US House of Representatives. It’s taken a flurry of backroom deals to win reluctant Congressmen round – to what was one of Trump’s flagship campaign promises.

  • 2 May 2017

    Another senior executive has quit his job at Fox News in the wake of the sexual harassment scandal that forced out former chairman Roger Ailes and one of the network’s biggest on-screen stars.

  • 30 Apr 2017

    The US President Donald Trump has celebrated his first hundred days among his staunchest supporters – starting with a familiar theme: bashing the news media.

  • 29 Apr 2017

    “Being president is harder than I thought”, Donald Trump admitted this week – a hundred days after he took the oath of office: a hundred tumultuous days, of chaos among top aides, of bluster on foreign affairs, and the lowest approval ratings of any president at this stage.

  • 25 Apr 2017

    Channel 4 News understands that more women could be set to come forward in the United States with allegations of sexual harassment while working for Fox News.

  • 25 Apr 2017

    In America, the state of Arkansas has carried out the country’s first double execution since the year 2000. Lethal injections were administered to two death row inmates, each separately convicted of rape and murder offences.

  • 20 Apr 2017

    He was one of the best-known anchors on US television. Will Bill O’Reilly’s sacking by Fox News scupper the Murdoch family’s plans to buy Sky?

  • 20 Apr 2017

    North Korean missile tests and displays of military might have been met by US warnings that its patience is at an end and that it’s ready to “deal with” the threat from Pyongyang. President Trump’s boast of sending an “armada” has so far turned out to be empty rhetoric, but US military exercises began in…

  • 16 Apr 2017

    America says it’s working with China to respond to the growing crisis over North Korea’s nuclear missile programme.

  • 15 Apr 2017

    The military hardware was impressive, the spectacle epic. And with the visuals, an unequivocal message from Pyongyang: “Mess with us at your peril”.

  • 14 Apr 2017

    While President Trump focuses on fighting battles overseas there is a war raging in his own White House. Alyssa Mastromonaco, President Obama’s former Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, discusses her new book about her experience inside the Oval Office.

  • 13 Apr 2017

    The US state of Arkansas is in a hurry. The authorities are rushing to execute seven convicted murderers by the end of the month – before the shelf life of a lethal injection drug expires.

  • 12 Apr 2017

    In news that will greatly please the White House, Melania Trump has accepted damages from Associated Newspapers for the false accusation in the Daily Mail and Mail Online that she had previously worked as an escort.