25 Feb 2014

#WT4 – the north/south debate with Jacob Rees-Mogg

South Shields in the north east has never returned a Conservative MP. Why? Watch our #WT4 debate on the north-south divide – your questions ranged from Greggs pastries to Eton…

“Why do you think South Shields has never had a Conservative MP?”

That is the burning question after Channel 4 News took Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg to meet people in the north east town.

“This country will end up with a rebellion,” says one woman. Another says “I like Labour because David Cameron‘s a p****.”

But Mr Rees-Mogg did find a handful of Conservative supporters, and he concludes that he can see the “right-wing vote” emerging in the north east.

Tonight we debated the so-called north-south divide – politically and culturally – with a live studio audience.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, fresh from his north east trip, was joined by Labour MP for Sunderland Central Julie Elliott and Scunthorpe-born comedian Joy Carter.

Your questions ranged from Greggs pies to Eton, the youth vote and the economy. You can see them all below.

Tell us what you think of the show and who we should interview next – use the hashtag #WT4

