007 pops in to T4 with a licence to entertain

Category: News Release

This weekend, 007 himself is coming to T4, brandishing his license to thrill. (Oh god, did we really just say that? The shame! *hides head*)

Daniel Craig will be on T4 on Saturday at 12:20pm, following Javier Bardem, Naomi Harris and Berenice Marloh, who are all on at 10:25am. Then, on Sunday at 11:10am there's a T4 Skyfall special, with extended interviews with all four.

In this clip, Daniel Craig reveals his favourite Bond film, villain, Bond girl and gadget. Mine are Live and Let Die, Oddjob, Christmas Jones and X-ray glasses, if you're interested. But then I'm not Daneil Craig, so you're probably not.


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