10 O'Clock Live - the best bits

Category: News Release

Channel 4's live comedy and current affairs show 10 O'Clock Live has come to the end of its fifteen week run.

Presenters David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr, Charlie Brooker and Lauren Laverne's combined talent brought a funny and fresh take on topical issues and events which attracted notable guests including John Prescott, Alistair Campbell, Andy Burnham MP, Simon Hughes MP, David Willetts MP, Grant Shapps MP and Ken Livingstone.

The show reacted to key news moments:

  • The first to broadcast Alan Johnson's resignation and the full story behind it, as the news broke moments before the first show went live.
  • Lauren announced the UN's commitment to a No Fly Zone in Libya live on air.
  • Former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Prescott took on former News of the World journalist and self confessed phone hacker Paul McMullan, in the week that the paper was forced to apologise for phone hacking.


David held several important people to account questioning key public figures behind the major stories of the week:

  • David Willetts Minister for Higher education.
  • Former Goldman Sachs partner Richard Sharp, in the week that Goldman Sachs announced extraordinary bonuses.
  • Housing Minister Grant Shapps on housing and the newly announced budget.
  • Philip Blond, architect of the ‘Big Society' as Britain struggled to understand the concept.
  • Public sector Union leader Bob Crow as a series of planned strikes was announced.


The show also focused criticism on a variety of targets:

  • The British PR companies hired to protect the image of dictators.
  • Junk food and alcohol manufacturers advising the government on health policy.
  • David Cameron's waiver of immigration rules for the super rich.
  • Government-backed British arms companies who trade with dubious regimes in the Middle East.
  • Superinjunctions.
  • Drawing attention to pubic sector outsourcing company Serco prompted viewers to write to their MPs to force such companies to be more accountable.


Other highlights saw:

Show 3 - 03/02/11
Lauren's Save the Libraries item

Show 4 - 10/02/11
David's interview with Simon Hughes when Hughes admitted the Lib Dems were "being stuffed" in the coalition.

Show 5 - 17/02/11
Lauren on ‘Bankers in Need' Appeal.

Show 6 - 24/02/11
Charlie on Colonel Gaddafi
Jimmy dresses in drag as ‘Cashier No 4 Please' in an item about Barclays avoiding playing Corporation Tax

Show 8 - 10/3/11
Charlie on Prince Andrew.
Jimmy drops into the studio on a wire during an item on the bungled SAS mission to Libya.
David interviews Andy Burnham

Show 9 - 17/03/11
David asks Nigel Farage, Leader of UKIP, if he's a big fan of Midsomer Murders.

Show 12 - 07/04/11
David's interview with John Prescott and ex-News of the World journalist Paul McMullan on the phone hacking scandal.