Ackley Bridge: Interview with Amy Leigh Hickman who plays Nas

Category: News Release

For those unfamiliar with the show, explain what Ackley Bridge is all about.

Ackley Bridge is a drama set in Yorkshire that is centred around the school Ackley Bridge. This is a school that is made up of whites and Asians and the drama follow the stories of the characters that make up the school.


You play Nas – what’s she like?

Nas is a brave hearted soul. She may come across a bit shy and timid at times but she is strong. At just 17 she knows exactly who she is and knows exactly what she wants. She is super intelligent, academically and as a person. You see Nas face things so early on in life that a lot of people never face and she always handles them in such a mature way. She also loves to let her hair down and have fun. Like all 17 year old girls do. She will always have the best fun with her best friend Missy.


What do you enjoy about playing her?

I really enjoy playing a character that is so strong and brave.


She has a fantastic relationship with her mum. How did you enjoy coming back to work with Sunetra again?

Working with Sunetra is phenomenal. Every single time I step onto set with her she inspires me and on top of that we have such a laugh together. We are very similar as people and since the first series she has become a really close friend to me and a really important person in my life. This makes things on set even more magical because we have a strong bond in real life.


The other major figure in her life is Missy. Explain why they are so important to each other.

Missy and Nas are each other’s rock. Throughout every moment of each other’s lives the other one has been there, seen it and supported on another. They are both complete opposites as people but both so similar at the same time. They need each other, Nas needs Missy to bring out the fun in her and remind her now and then what it is to be 17 and enjoy and laugh at herself! Missy needs Nas to talk some sense into her in certain situations and help her remember her self-worth. They are both best when they are together.


Do you think, as the two main young cast members, the two of you have bonded?

Definitely! One hundred percent. Me and Poppy are great friends in real life. She is one of the few people in the world who can have me in hysterics at any given moment. We have the exact same sense of humour it’s quite scary. I think this is so important when playing best friends so we are both very lucky.


Ackley Bridge is filled with strong women. Is that important to you?

Definitely definitely definitely! It’s so important because the real strong women inspire us as people and as actors of set and the character they are playing will hopefully inspire young girls who are tuning into the show.


How did you find acting with a lot of the local kids? What do you think they had all made of series one?

They are all amazing and bring such a sense of realism to the series when we are filming it. They also teach us a lot about what it’s really like to live up here in the kind of community’s that our characters do. On top of that they are all such lovely kids and really appreciate the experience which is lovely to see.


Was it more fun doing series two, because you all know each other, and know what you’re doing?

The great thing about a second series is that you have fewer nerves about finding your feet on a new job and finding the character so you can spend more time getting exiting about telling all the stories in the scripts which for me is the most exciting part. It’s more like coming back to a family.


Do you have time to all socialise together in the evenings, or is the filming schedule just too hectic?

Yes we have time to socialise after work as quite a. Few of us live pretty much next door to one another so it’s all very convenient. We are all going for lots of meals as a cast.


You said during series one you tried cooking for everyone, and ended up setting off the fire alarm. Did you have another crack at it this time?

No! Stick to eating out or round Jo’s for dinner!