Ackley Bridge: Interview with Kimberley Walsh who plays Claire

Category: News Release


Explain a little bit about Claire – what was it that attracted you to the part, and what do you think of her?

Claire had an affair with Steve, they were never officially an item but they have a young child together. She is a very fiery, sassy character which made her really fun to play. She’s quite different to any roles I’ve played before.


What’s her relationship with Steve like?

With Steve it’s clear she always wanted something more. She enjoys being a shoulder to cry on and she knows it bothers Mandy.


Does she enjoy winding up Mandy?

She enjoys winding Mandy up because Mandy holds all the power when it comes to Steve. I think getting a rise out of her feels like an achievement to Claire.


What was it like filming with Paul Nicholls?

Filming with Paul Nicholls was great. He’s a brilliant actor and we both grew up acting as kids on the northern circuit. He was really encouraging and I really enjoyed working with him.


How did you find filming with Jo? Was it fun playing scenes when you came to blows?

Jo was a real pleasure to work with and she’s also brilliant. It was really fun playing the confrontation scenes out because you really get to see a different side of Mandy which was great. We had fun with it!


What were you like at school? Detention or distinction?

I was more distinction than detention at school but I was really more in the middle. I did what I had to do, tried to have fun while keeping the teachers happy. I was pretty good at talking my way out of trouble!