Andrew Brooke Q & A

Category: News Release

1. PhoneShop was part of Channel 4's Comedy Showcase in 2009 - how did it feel when you found out it had been commissioned for a full series on E4
It felt great - we had worked so hard to get the pilot to where it was and it still felt like we had so much more to offer with the characters and the whole world of PhoneShop. Even now, at the end of the process of filming this first series it feels like there is loads more places to go with it. We didn't have any big name actors in our cast, and that's a really big part of getting stuff commissioned these days, so E4 and Channel 4 were very good to have given us the backing they did and believe in us from the off.

2. The show already has a cult following and people are eagerly awaiting the first series, what can they expect?
The reaction we got from the pilot was incredible! I think people could see that the show had a lot of heart and there was something quite unique and special about it. Those who loved the pilot will love the series. I think Harry Enfield, who loved it and was very supportive, summed it up well - I'm paraphrasing here, but he said something like ‘it's a collection of the stupidest things you lot can think of'. It is a smart and detailed observation with lovingly characterised performances.

3. It's quite a small cast and you have all been working together for two years now - is there anything that has surprised you about anyone?
I'm constantly surprised by how much people bring to the table in terms of quality and depth of performance. Everybody is really strong in that way and it's a real pleasure to go to work with them all.

4. The chemistry between the characters on-screen is very strong, how much do you stick to the script and how much do you improvise?
Improvising has been integral to creating the scripts from the get-go, so yes; it's a very big part of it. We use the script and direction from Phil as a stimulus for improvising the scene and we come up with verbal riffs all the way along the scripting process. Jon Macqueen was also integral to this, eventually becoming an associate producer and very much principal co-writer. On a personal note - I've known Javone since drama school so we've been mucking about together for getting on for 11 years and I think that comes across onscreen pretty clearly. I was also pretty familiar with Martin having done bits and bobs with him over the years, through my work with Phil. It's a giant stroke of luck and evidence of how good Phil is at choosing collaborators that the whole group's chemistry was pretty solid from day one; lovely folk, no effort required really, just lots of fun!

5. This is an ensemble piece, how do you all work in bringing your ideas together for the script?
I think everyone did a combination of writing at home and bringing stuff in and reacting to each other on script workshop days. Because of my longstanding relationship with Phil I've pretty much been sending him ideas from the start as and when they occurred to me - even if they're not immediately usable, it can all go into the pool of ‘PhoneShoppy stuff' that can be used later. A bit of what will end up onscreen will have come out on the day of filming too, which is, again, testament to Phil's generous attitude and lack of ego in letting other writers and performers play to their strengths for the greater good of the show.

6. How would you best describe your character to someone who hasn't seen the show before? Are you anything like your character in real life?
Ashley has got a good heart and is secretly a bit of a softy but can also be rather flashy and silly. He is quite ‘laddy' in his attitudes to things and a bit of a man who refuses to grow up. Ashley sets his sights low in a lot of things so that he can make sure he comes out on top feeling good about himself. Though I do look a lot like him, I'm personally a world away from Ashley. He can be routinely unkind and quite challenging with people and doesn't consider the impact of his behaviour on other people before he acts.

 7. Have you ever been baffled by sales jargon and conned into buying something you didn't really want?
Not really - I'm not that into buying ‘gadgety' stuff which I imagine is the main thing people get ripped off on. I'm a bit of a techno peasant really, so I've got away with it so far.

8. What has been the reaction from people who actually work in mobile phone shops?
It's been great! There was a guy who got in touch with Jon via Twitter who had watched the pilot and also runs a series of shops and said everyone had loved it. They even made a ‘Newman' badge for one of their new workers at one of his branches. My heart goes out to all the ‘Newman's' in the world of phone sales!

9. What have been your funniest moments filming so far?
I had a few good chuckles at folk walking in thinking it was a real shop and trying to get served, then getting incredibly miffed on being politely informed that, despite looking real, it was just a set. To compound the hilarity, there's three actual big-brand phone shops across from our shop - it made me think maybe we should start up an actual shop and undercut the competition.

10. After all those weeks filming is there anything you're looking forward to doing once it's all finished?
Seeing the series all edited-up of course! Oh yeah, and then the DVD release. Oh, and then a second series would be lovely. Followed by a DVD get the picture.