Attention all registered users

Category: News Release

Our crack team of IT specialists



Hurrah! Celebrate, my journalistic chums, CELEBRATE!

Some time ago (okay, some considerable time ago) we did a survey of journalists asking what they thought of the digital press centre (to access the digital press centre, click here. That's right, there is no link - this IS the digital press centre - duh!)

We got some fascinating feedback (and, let's be honest, some quite boring feedback, like the chap who filled out the survey 23 times, using different names, but making exactly the same point, all in capitals, every time). But one thing that came through loud and clear was extreme irritation at the log in system, which was generally perceived to be... well, you know...

The main cause of righteous anger was the fact that registered users were logged out every 20 minutes. Countless users suggested that this was far too short a time, and having to log back in every 20 minutes was infuriating. So, we gathered together as focus group, went on a few away days, and held a conference in the Bahamas for a couple of weeks. Eventually, we came up with a plan - to extend the amount of time users are logged in. As of now, registered users will remain logged in for 23 minutes upon each visit. Woo hoo!

Okay, I'm lying. Registered users will stay logged in for 12 hours after their last action on the site. So, if you log in at 6am (first of all, get a life!) and use the site until 9am, you will stay logged on until 9pm. Make sense? If not, go and get an adult to explain this to you.

Anyway, I hope this brings pleasure unbounded to all of you. Although, to those of you who aren't registered for the site, this will mean absolutely nothing, and reading this will represent two minutes of your life you will never get back. Sorry.



Notes to people who want to read more of this guff:

1.      Registered users have access to contact information, listings information, hi-resolution images, and the key to eternal life.

2.      If you want to register, click here. But please, please do not register if you are not a journalist. Your registration will be denied, and your tyres will be slashed.

3.      If you want to receive a daily email informing you what's been added to the site, please sign up to our daily email alert here.

4.      A single piece of scampi is a scampo. True fact.