Beaver Falls series 2 -synopsis

Category: News Release

Episode One by Iain Hollands
They boys are back in town.  Well... summer camp anyway.  Barry, ever optimistic, fully expecting to pick up where he left off with Kimberley (‘never going to happen mate'), A-rab harbouring hopes that he and Rachael can start again, clean slate (‘never going to happen mate') and Flynn ready to hurl himself back into his camp lothario role (‘never going to ... ok... that might happen).  Throw into this mix simmering tensions between the three boys, a few bottles of tequila at ‘Tuna Town Roadhouse' and an array of new counselors for them to hang out/exchange bodily fluids/become mortal enemies with and it's safe to say things aren't going to go quite as the boys planned.


Episode Two by Mark Chappell
It's juvie day - the day when the over privileged elite of Beaver Falls and the criminally challenged underclass of Yuba City Juvenille detention centre come together in friendship... supposedly... 

And friendship - or lack of - is the theme of the day as the feud between Barry and A-rab continues to drive everyone mad. But when Mac accidentally lets slip to the Chunk Bunk that Flynn is dying, the warring factions are forced to temporarily suspect hostilities in order to try and contain the secret - easier said than done when Hope spots an opportunity to turn it to her own advantage...