Beaver Leaks. The secret of comedy timing.

Category: News Release

Hacking. Everyone's at it these days. Even an anonymous character in the brand new E4 drama series Beaver Falls.

To complement the new six-part series from Company Pictures about three Brits on a ‘working' holiday at a Californian summer camp, Manchester based Stardotstar have created a hackers' playground called

An anonymous protagonist called the Happy Camper is desperate to expose what's going on at Beaver Falls and will use all means at their disposal to get the story out there. 'To him, (or her?) hacking the phones, camp computer and email accounts of our characters is done just for the lulz giving us on the outside a real view of the private conversations that happen on the inside at a Californian summer camp.' said Stardotstar's co-founder Gareth Langley.

Beaver Leaks gives storytellers another method of delivering engaging content to the audience and will reveal aspects of the series in real time as it happens. When you see something on screen, you will be able to see it, and more, on

"By leaking content ‘as it happens' we create a channel to augment the TV programme we're accompanying. We deliver nuggets of humour and drama between episodes, and between the ad breaks, and even during the programme itself. With so many people two-screening or reaching for Twitter in the breaks, Beaver Leaks is a wonderful space for the writers to enrich storylines and characters outside of TX.' Said Gareth Langley.

'It's about enhancement' added fellow co-founder Gez O'Brien, "during the show itself we focus on delivering content that adds to the TV viewing experience. Meanwhile outside of TX we see the private email and text conversations between characters, giving a fulfilling reason to come back to the website mid-week.'

Hilary Perkins, Mulitplatform Commisioning Editor, Drama comments: 'Stardotstar and Company Pictures have collaborated to create a site that offers an enhanced two-screen experience. As people increasingly watch TV with a second device to hand, the emails, texts, images and video "leaked" during and between broadcasts provide an additional layer of story for fans to enjoy.' will come to life during episode 1. As the Happy Camper says on @BeaverLeaks: ‘Welcome lurkers ;) Enjoy...' 



Beaver Falls starts Wed 27 July at 9pm on Channel 4 -  - #BeaverFallsE4 




About Stardotstar Limited -

 A Manchester based company who create delightful interactive content, tools and toys that improve people's lives. They are 10 years old and currently working with Channel 4, BBC, The Open University and The Nominet Trust.


About E4 -

 E4 is one of Channel 4's free-to-air digital channels. Launched in October 2001 it offers a mixture of comedy, drama, entertainment and films and is the UK's digital channel of choice for young people. E4 is available on Freeview, digital satellite and cable, and offers a time-shifted, plus one service.


About Beaver Falls -

Meet Flynn (Samuel Roberston), A-Rab (Arsher Ali) and Barry (John Dagleish). They are three British chancers, fresh out of uni who are determined to have one last summer of carefree irresponsibility before facing the real world. And they're going out in style. They've blagged themselves jobs at Beaver Falls; an elite American summer camp for the ridiculously beautiful teenage offspring of California's rich and powerful.

This is a summer job that requires them to be responsible. To set an example. To be role models... whatever. There's no way they're going to let the job spec get in the way of their single-minded pursuit of ‘The Ultimate Summer'. Two months of hanging out, getting into mischief, and chasing girls beckon and these boys are all set for the time of their lives. If they can just get through it without getting found out and deported...

Directors Daniel O'Hara (Being Human, Skins) and Jack Clough (Skins) take the helm. The 6 x 60' series is created by Iain Hollands, series produced by Liz Lewin and is Exec Produced by Charlie Pattinson and George Faber for Company Pictures