Beeny's Restoration Nightmare

Category: News Release

TX: From Thursday20th October, 8pm, Channel 4.

Sarah Beeny and her husband Graham Swift are faced with the mammoth task of trying to preserve Rise Hall - an important example of architectural heritage. This second series follows the couple as they continue their battle to breathe new life into all corners of their listed 97 room mansion in Yorkshire.

Sarah is determined to find a use for the Hall and save it as a family home. But with only a part of the house restored and much left in desperate need of attention they must up their game if they are to turn the fortunes of this building around.

This second series focuses on the couple's everyday struggle to restore all the state rooms and further bedrooms of their Georgian house on an increasingly tight budget. It will also delve into the fascinating social and architectural history of Rise Hall and show how to restore and decorate - both on a grand scale and tight budget.

Beeny's Restoration Nightmare provides a rare glimpse into how the property guru juggles work, life, her family and an ambitious renovation project. Packed with all the setbacks and tribulations we have seen Sarah bemoan in other property developers over the years, how will she deal with a myriad of problems now she's in the driving seat? Has she bitten off more than she can chew?


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