Ben Earl: Deception

Category: News Release

TX: April

Warning: This man is about to deceive you and make you believe the unbelievable. Ben Earl is the master of deception. From an early age Ben developed an extraordinary talent. Combined with his natural charm, mischievousness and unprecedented sleight of hand skills, Ben has mastered the unimaginable. He has devoted his time to learning and fine tuning the skills behind the art of deception. He has spent time with pickpockets in New York and he has fooled casinos around the world. But rather than cross that line he's done good and channels his knowledge on the subject of deception – on how to spot it and be aware of it- for many high profile organisations. And for his next move, Ben brings you four amazing television specials devoted to the themes of crime, art, money and science where he’s going to set himself a remarkable challenge – to deceive and surprise a group of people with nothing but his extraordinary skill and his ability to mislead.

Prod Co: Magnum Media