Beware young men from the Midlands

Category: News Release
  • Those aged between 24-34 tell the most lies a day
  • Most dishonest cities are London, Coventry and Birmingham
  • British men prove bigger liars than women, lying almost six times a day
  • Most honest places include Wrexham, Aberdeen and Bristol
  • Over 55’s are the UK’s most honest

A poll undertaken this week has shown that men aged between 24-34 and from the Midlands are likely to be the most prolific liars.  The survey accompanies a new Channel 4 show, Eye Spy (starts 27th June) which tests the moral compass of Brits by using hidden camera stunts to reveal how they will behave when faced with some moral dilemmas.  These include cash machines spewing out free money, convenience stores with no sales staff, and wallets with cash and address slips dropped around the UK to see how many would be returned.

The Dishonest Report found that of the 2000 questioned those aged between 24-34 tell the most lies a day with over seven.  In terms of the cities, Coventry, London and Birmingham told the highest number of porkies with over six times a day.  The most honest places were Wrexham (2.5), Aberdeen (3.37) and Bristol (3.52).  The survey also discovered that the most honest age group is 55 plus who lie just over three times a day.

Other acts of deceit include:

  • 72% said they would walk away with expensive spirits and goods if they had forgotten to put them through the checkout having mistakenly left them at the bottom of the trolley. 
  • 68% admitted that they wouldn’t point out if something was missing off their bill in a restaurant.
  • 61% stating they would always pocket extra change if it’s mistakenly given to them in a shop.

Other popular acts of dishonesty include stealing stationary from work (41. %), using someone else’s wifi (21 %), watching pirate dvds (23.%) and downloading music illegally (16.%).

However we are not entirely rogue nation, partial to a bit of lying.  Eye Spy discovers that there is a strong heroic spirit in Brits willing to step in and come to the rescue of those in need,  for example someone on the receiving end of racist abuse or a sexist boss.


Notes to editors

The Eye Spy survey was carried out by OnePoll  on behalf of Channel 4.  A representative figure of 2000 took part in the survey


Further programme information:

Eye Spy

Eye Spy is about to test the idea that the people of Great Britain really are 'great’, can be heroes when faced with a particularly challenging situation and will do the right thing.  Fed up with all the news stories about our 'once great nation going to the dogs'? Stephen Fry narrates this brand-new series of ingenious hidden camera stunts that throw up a whole bunch of moral dilemmas and psychological conundrums for us to wrestle with.

You may say you'd do the right thing in a highly-pressured situation, but only when you're actually in the moment, and the adrenaline's flowing, can you ever really know.

Would you trouser notes being spewed out of a faulty cash machine? At a security check, would you step in when only Asians are singled out for a security search.  Will male-only parking spaces cause chaos in the local car park? We find out whether the people of London or Manchester stand up to an outrageously racist waiter. And in a busy city at lunchtime, will workers take time out to be heroes and help lift a young, albeit obnoxious, man in a wheelchair up three flights of stairs? 

Tx 27th June 10pm