Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

Category: News Release

Picking up where the hugely successful Cutting Edge film of the same title left off, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings will paint a visually arresting portrait of the secretive, extravagant and surprising world of gypsies and travellers in Britain today.

Able to dig deeper and explore areas not covered previously, the series will use the prism of extraordinary rite-of-passage celebrations and events - including weddings, communions and christenings - to offer a window into the world of the gypsy and traveller community and answer some of the more probing questions raised by the first film.

Each episode will stand alone offering insight into attitudes toward gender roles, education and the non-gypsy or traveller community. Through the experiences of the unforgettable cast of characters, some of them familiar to viewers of the first film, the series will explore the remarkable rituals, traditions and beliefs held by this minority group to tell the story of 21st century gypsy and traveller life in Britain.

Warm, intelligent, engrossing and funny, and with a strong series identity, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings will tell intimate stories on an epic scale, laying bare an exotic unseen Britain that exists right on our doorstep.