British Comedy Awards - nominations clip

Category: News Release

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This video clip contains six fantastic comedians at the top of their game. Be warned, one of them makes a slightly adult joke - must be something about the name Brand that turns you into a cheeky comic scamp!

Personally, I'd vote for each and every one of them. Except that would be a bit of a waste of time, now I think about it. But they're all brilliant. I'm also scandalised that no place has been found for Silvio Berlusconi or Fenton the dog. Other than that, it promises to be an amazing evening of unbridled hilarity. Yippee!

The British Comedy Awards are live on Channel 4 on Friday 16th December at 9pm. They will subsequently be on Channel4 +1 (does that mean Channel 5?) but I have no idea what time.

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