C4 commissions House of Teen Mums from Oxford Scientific Films

Category: News Release

Channel 4’s House of Teen Mums, a brand new 1 x 60’ documentary from Oxford Scientific Films, is an observational documentary based in a YMCA Mother & Baby unit full of young mothers and their babies.  

During a time when a shortage of housing means thousands of homeless parents are living in temporary accommodation, this film focuses on five mothers who are spending the first year of their baby’s life in a YMCA hostel, on their journey towards independence.

It captures the ups and downs of day-to-day life when you have 10 young mums and their babies all living in close proximity with no real idea of when they will get their own home.

The teen mums tell their stories in their own words, giving a unique and surprising perspective on what it’s really like to become a parent in your teens when you don’t have a home.

House of Teen Mums was commissioned by Channel 4 Education commissioning editor Emily Jones. The film is executive produced by Emma Morgan and produced, filmed and directed by Mel Beer. House of Teen Mums is being distributed internationally by Twofour Rights.

Emily Jones said: “Given the shortage of affordable housing, it is important to tell the stories of the many young people who don’t have a permanent home. These  young mothers show us they are no different than any other parent during those precious early days of motherhood – full of love, struggling to do their best – but in exceptionally challenging circumstances.”

Emma Morgan added: "Behind each door in the YMCA hostel we discovered a unique story that completely went against the stereotype of a teen mum. We were surprised not only by their resilience in the face of adversity but their wit, humour and hope for the future."