C4 News presenters expand roles to champion current affairs

Category: News Release

Channel 4 today announces a move to bring together the best of its journalism across the channel by involving the Channel 4 News presenting team in its flagship current and foreign affairs strands.

 Whilst maintaining their presence on Channel 4 News, Jon Snow and Krishnan Guru-Murthy will join the highly-respected reporting line-up for Dispatches and Unreported World; going out into the field to report on the issues that matter most to them.

 Channel 4's Head of News & Current Affairs Dorothy Byrne, says: "Channel 4 News presenters are some of the best journalists in this country. They have never just sat in studios reading autocues - this new way of working will enable them to go out in Britain and across the world to investigate and highlight the stories which they really care about, holding those in power to account. This is part of our joined-up approach in maximising our heavyweight journalists across both our news and current affairs output. "

 Jon Snow will be more embedded into the Channel 4's current affairs team, giving him the journalistic freedom to delve deeper and investigate issues that he is passionate about - such as human rights.  As previously announced, Jon will present Sri Lanka's Killing Fields (tx: Channel 4, Tuesday 14th  June 2011 at 11.05pm) an investigation into the civil war between the Sri Lankan government and the secessionist rebels, the Tamil Tigers, featuring devastating new video evidence of war crimes.

Snow will also present a number of Dispatches a year beginning with Landlords From Hell (tx: Channel 4, Monday 4th July at 8pm) -  an exposé of rent racketeers who exploit those who can't afford to buy their own homes as well as those who live and work illegally in the UK.  

Jon Snow says: "Dispatches is a jewel in the crown of Channel 4 and has unearthed some revelatory stories and provoked important debate. It's great to be doing more of these programmes and really getting under the skin of issues like human rights, international affairs and housing issues at home and abroad. There's such affinity between the News and the rest of the Current Affairs family - and this will just cement that bond. I can't wait to get stuck in."

Matt Frei is set to join Channel 4 News and the presenting line-up. As well as his core role of Washington Correspondent, he will also present the News throughout the year and take on a number of Dispatches programmes.

In the autumn Krishnan Guru-Murthy will take up an ambassador role at Unreported World - the UK's longest-running foreign affairs series which reports from some of the most neglected and toughest places on the planet.

As well as presenting several Unreported Worlds a year, Krishnan will provide seamless links directly from Channel 4 News into the programme. He will also engage with his significant social media following to provoke discussion and debate the issues examined in the programme. This will take the form of live chats on Twitter and regular blogging.   

Krishnan Guru Murthy says: "Unreported World consistently shines light on stories that are missed by the mainstream.  It finds unheard voices, challenges dominant perspectives on the world and is an essential part of what Channel 4 is for.  I look forward to joining the team and discussing the issues and films with our viewers. Now that Unreported World and Channel 4 News can be watched online around the world that is a truly exciting global conversation."

Increasing the social media engagement with Dispatches and UW, viewers will also be able to suggest story ideas and comment on stories via the programme websites, Facebook pages, or directly with Jon and Krishnan via Twitter. Snowmail - Channel 4 News' informal free evening news update - will include issues investigated by Dispatches and Unreported World.

Last month Channel 4 News announced that Cathy Newman will join Jon and Krishnan as the third regular presenter.  It is expected that she will also present some Dispatches in due course.