Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned ITN Productions to make a 2 x 60’ series celebrating Christmas at two of the country’s grandest castles.

The magical two-parter gains unprecedented, behind-the-scenes access to Highclere Castle and Warwick Castle as they deck their halls and transform for Christmas in their own unique ways.

Episode one features one of the most recognisable houses in the world, Highclere Castle, the setting of the hit TV series and film, Downton Abbey. As guests of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, we discover what life is like at the real Downton and meet the small team tasked with creating seasonal cheer in the Castle. We also get to know the driving force behind the operation, Lady Carnarvon.

Cameras also capture life at Warwick Castle, the medieval site built on the order of William the Conqueror back in 1068. Christmas at Warwick is an extravagant affair and the moment the castle's Halloween lights are switched off, the transformation into a winter wonderland begins. The government's announcement of a November lockdown and then tier system makes preparing for Christmas a mammoth challenge but, with a bulldog spirit, the staff push on with plans to wow visitors with dazzling decorations, a massive 745 metre-square ice rink, a Santa experience and a brand-new light trail through the castle's grounds.

Becky Cadman, commissioning editor, Channel 4 said: “Highclere Castle and Warwick Castle are a pair of stunning locations where Christmas celebrations are truly spectacular. Our exclusive access to these historic sites will offer a fascinating insight into both the traditions and more modern approaches of each, as well as revealing how they’ve adapted for a very different Christmas this year.”

Charlie Clay, executive producer, ITN Productions, said: “This has been a remarkable opportunity to film behind the scenes at two of Britain’s greatest castles as they magically transform themselves for their most important time of the year. The bulldog spirit displayed in the festive run up to Christmas 2020 at both Highclere and Warwick provides an extraordinary insight into extraordinary times.”

Christmas At Highclere Castle and Christmas At Warwick Castle are made by ITN Productions and the executive producers are Charlie Clay and Will Smith. The series is commissioned for Channel 4 by Becky Cadman, commissioning editor, Factual Entertainment.

Christmas At Highclere Castle – Wednesday 16 December, 9pm

Christmas At Warwick Castle – Tuesday 22 December, 9pm
