Channel 4 & 20th Century Fox create bespoke X-MEN ad break innovation

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has teamed up with 20th Century Fox to celebrate the hotly anticipated cinema release of XMEN: Days of Future Past by creating bespoke ads featuring members of the film’s Hollywood cast alongside famous Channel 4 faces –to launch on Friday 16th May at 6.45pm on Channel 4.

Two 60 second spots, which have been developed with media agency Vizeum, will feature actors Hugh Jackman, James MacAvoy Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, Peter Dinklage, Nicholas Hoult, Ellen Page and Shawn Ashmore – and presenters Jimmy Carr, Jamie Oliver and Kirsty Allsopp each answering the question: “If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self?” The theme is linked to the film’s storyline which sees characters from the original film trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past to save the future.

On screen graphics placed within the spots will also encourage viewers to join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #myfuturepast.

The campaign will be visible around peak time programming, such as Gogglebox and Fargo, throughout the weekend (16th-18th May) on Channel 4 and the spots will be scheduled first in break immediately followed by a trailer for X-MEN: Days of Future Past.

The partnership was brokered by Melanie Ball, Partnerships Account Manager at Channel 4 and Robbie Ashcroft Creative Solutions Manager at Amplifi, Vizeum.

Sassy Films are responsible for the creative.

Inspiration for the campaign came from Channel 4’s long running Faces of 4 marketing campaign which featured Channel 4 talent talking heads.

The idea and partnership was realised by Fox UK Promotions and Publicity. Victoria Llewellyn, Head of Promotions, 20th Century Fox said: “X-MEN Days of Future Past is the must-see blockbuster this year, it has action, incredible effects, a great storyline and humour. From the outset we wanted a big standout idea which got people talking and showcased both our huge ensemble cast and a central idea in the movie. We are delighted to be able to bring back the famous, award-winning and instantly recognisable Channel 4 ‘faces of four’ marketing campaign for this partnership. The activity is fun, shows scale, delivers against a number of objectives and is one of the most creative and compelling partnerships we have run in recent years.”

Angus Mitchell, Agency Principal at Channel 4 said: “This latest collaboration with 20th Century Fox has delivered another creative ad campaign to follow the successful Prometheus partnership. This innovative ad spot, exclusive to Channel 4, will help broaden the film’s appeal by featuring X-MEN stars alongside top recognisable Channel 4 presenters as they reveal personal insights to celebrate the new film release.”

Robbie Ashcroft, Creative Solutions Manager, Vizeum said: “The film is one of this year’s most anticipated blockbuster movie releases and we’re delighted to have developed an execution that brings the biggest names in Hollywood and British TV. Not only does the creative successfully recreate one of the most icnonic campaigns from the last decade but it does so by powerfully conveying the core messages of the latest in the X-MEN film franchise.” 


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