Channel 4 and E.ON to transform Future Family Home

Category: News Release


A new Channel 4 documentary series is set to transform an average family house into a home of the future.

Made by Two Four Productions for Channel 4, with co-funding from E.ON, one of the UK's leading energy suppliers, Future Family will see an average family home refitted with the latest technology - some of it years from being made available to the public - that aims to transform how we live our lives.

The series, the first brand-funded commission from Channel 4's Specialist Factual team, will include futuristic kitchen appliances, hi-tech entertainment technology, as well as alternative sources of power and heating often still at a conceptual stage.

Future Family will look at how new developments will transform the way we live, from how we work and play, to relaxation, how we power and heat our homes, as well as eating and staying healthy.

The five-part series will feature the next generation of technologies, many still in development, as well as examples of ingenuity and creative thinking from some of Britain's most inspired inventors and designers.

The series will focus on the need for future energy efficiency, environmental-responsibility and saving time and money.  It also aims not only to highlight future trends in technology, but also assess how effective, practical and cost effective they are in the real world for a real family.

Stephen Leigh joins Twofour as Series Producer and will work with Executive Producer Dan Adamson, Director of Programmes.

Channel 4 Specialist Factual Commissioning Editor, Lucy Pilkington, says:  "New technology offers the promise of transforming our lives, from solar power and ground source heat pumps offering virtually free - and carbon neutral - heat and power, to new entertainment gadgets and intelligent kitchen appliances.

"The series aims to find out what this will be like for a normal family living in a normal home.  Does the reality match up to the dream and is it possible to combine cutting-edge technology with lowering carbon emissions and cutting household bills?"

Jeremy Davies, Marketing Director at E.ON, said: "At E.ON, we're committed to being a leading force behind innovations in the energy industry.  We're delighted to be the first brand to take part in such a high profile piece of TV activity.

"It's really important to E.ON to find new and unique ways to educate customers about the improvements they can make to save more energy in their home, and even start to generate their own electricity.  This show forms an integral part in our strategy to help the nation get Energy Fit."

Jennifer Hills, Head of Branded Content at Twofour Productions, says:

"We're delighted to be working with E.ON and Channel 4 on the series.  At TwoFour we continue to expand our slate of brand-funded formats and we're proud to have the first brand-funded commission from Channel 4's Specialist Factual team."

E.ON recently launched the ‘Energy Fit Survey' at where users can take a short survey and receive tailored recommendations on the changes they can make at home to start saving energy and money straight away, as well as setting goals to save energy over time.