Channel 4 announces brand new weekly 'telly talking' review series

Category: News Release

We are a nation of telly addicts with the average UK adult watching a total of four hours and two minutes of television every single day.  Gogglebox (w/t) is a new weekly entertaining television review programme that will see some of Britain's most opinionated and avid TV viewers comment freely on the best and worst television shows within the past seven days from the comfort of their sofas, living rooms, kitchens and even their bedrooms.  These viewers are the experts when it comes to what's on the box, they are entertaining, outspoken, emotional, and irreverent and not only do they love to watch telly - they love to talk about it too.

Our group of carefully selected viewers will critique and review the same list of programmes from the past seven days. Varying each week, they could be asked to comment on the nation's favourite soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street or the gripping drama that everyone is talking about from Homeland to Downton Abbey.  Popular Saturday night entertainment shows from Strictly Come Dancing and X-Factor will be fiercely debated as well as hard hitting factual documentaries and the cringeworthy love-to-hate shows such as Embarrassing Bodies.  The viewers will also express opinions on any breaking news and current affairs from that week too.

Friends, families and flatmates across the UK live their lives in front of the TV every day and Gogglebox (w/t) will be showcasing the best of the nation's sofa loving ‘Royle families' to witness and capture their hours spent in front of the telly.  The series will be very fast turnaround and all the programmes reviewed in each episode will have aired within the past seven days.

Gogglebox (w/t) was commissioned by Channel 4's Senior Commissioning Editor, David Glover and will be made by Studio Lambert. It will be executive produced by Tania Alexander and Stephen Lambert.

Stephen Lambert, Chief Executive at Studio Lambert said "We're delighted to be making such an original television review programme.  Unlike many other forms of media consumption, television viewing in this country is increasing.  People live their lives in front of the TV and they love to talk about it.  There are more tweets about television than anything else on Twitter.  Now we're making a show that captures that weekly national conversation in a fresh and entertaining way. " 

The 4x45' weekly series will air on Channel 4 in early 2013.