Channel 4 announces Complicit

Category: News Release

In the War on Terror is torture ever justified? And what is the right moral action for an MI5 officer when even our key allies routinely torture suspects?

In a compelling new single drama, Complicit,  acclaimed writer Guy Hibbert (Blood and Oil, Five Minutes of Heaven, Omagh)  explores the murky moral compromises that underpin the hidden intelligence war.

Guy  Hibbert's contemporary feature-length drama is a penetrating and unique insight into the real daily working life of a MI5 officer, and the grubby personal betrayals, deceptions and impossible moral choices involved in every major terror plot investigation.

In Complicit the main character Edward, an MI5 officer, wrestles with some of  the key moral questions of our time.  Can we fight Terror with torture? Or do we lose everything, and everything we stand for as a democratic nation, by allying ourselves with the torturers of a brutal foreign regime?

C4 Chief Creative Officer Jay Hunt says: ‘I'm delighted to be able to greenlight this extraordinarily compelling film. Guy Hibbert's drama shows us a hidden world we think we know in an entirely original way, and goes straight to the core of one of the greatest dilemmas of our age.'

Complicit is written by Guy Hibbert and produced by Kevin Toolis (Cult of the Suicide Bomber) and Jolyon Symonds (Mrs Mandela).

A Manyriversfilms production.