Channel 4 announces Fatonomics

Category: News Release

For many people financial reward can be a huge motivating factor in their lives and new series Fatonomics will put this to the ultimate test to see if money can motivate the long term overweight to stick to a diet. Fronted by Dr Christian Jessen each week two contributors will be pitted against each other in a weight-loss challenge. Both will literally put their money where their mouth is as they stake their own cash on losing more weight than their rival. Both will have failed to keep going with any diet or exercise regime in the past but will the fear of losing their own money make them finally shed the pounds and keep them off? Combined with reports on the true costs to individuals, industry and the NHS of our growing weight problem, Fatonomics will show why excess pounds can be as bad for our wallets as they are for our health.

Commissioned by: Gill Wilson

Executive producer: Ian Holt

Production Company: Maverick TV