Channel 4 Announces New Series The Secret Lives of Slim People (w/t)

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned ITN Productions to make a new consumer health strand ‘The Secret Lives of Slim People’ (w/t) which will closely examine and unlock the behaviours and eating patterns of people who appear to be naturally slim.

Following the success of the single documentary from ITN Productions ‘The Truth about Slim People’, which consolidated at over 2 million viewers, this 4x30’ series will address one of the UK’s biggest health crises currently facing us. Instead of focussing on the fad diets, it will look closely at the secret lives of slim people. We all know friends and family that have the gift of remaining slim without a dedicated health and exercise regime. This consumer health show with a difference will ask the questions we all want to know -  what are they doing differently? Do their secrets actually work for others?

The series will be fronted by Supershoppers presenter Sabrina Grant who will explore the latest science that helps us understand our bodies better and seek to find out answers as to why some people remain slim while others put on weight. 

Commissioning Editor Adam Vandermark said: “As with the documentary, the series will follow those frustrating people we all know who seem to effortlessly remain slim. People can either nominate themselves or their slim mate, and then we’ll unpick their every move and morsel to find out what determines their size. It will be fun, surprising and full of revelatory popular science. Plus following her great work on Supershoppers, I’m thrilled Sabrina Grant has signed up to front it.”

ITN Productions Executive Producer George Waldrum said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to work with Sabrina, build on the success of the documentary and continue to explore and reveal more secrets of slim people.”