
Channel 4 announces Ramadan in Lockdown (w/t)

Category: News Release

Channel 4 is to take a unique look at British Muslim life in Ramadan in Lockdown (w/t) a 5 x 5 minute short films, culminating in an Eid special, to air next month.

For the first time ever, Britain’s 2.6 million Muslims will observe the month of Ramadan – up to thirty days of fasting from sunrise to sunset - in lockdown, under strict conditions imposed in response to Covid-19.

Channel 4 will talk to a range of British Muslims from across the country and follow them throughout Ramadan showing how the Muslim community copes with this unique and poignant moment in history, whilst observing their holiest month.

Contributors will include final year medics deployed on the frontline fighting covid-19 and GP's who have become the cornerstone of care in the community; multi-generational families fasting together in lockdown; shopkeepers and teachers; and Imams who have adapted worship from empty Mosques for virtual congregations.

Ramadan is a month where Muslims around the world will not eat, drink, smoke or engage in sexual relations between sunrise and sunset in an attempt to focus on what is important, think about those who have less than themselves and be more appreciative of all that they have.

As with everyone, life for the UK’s Muslim communities is on pause. Mosques have closed doors to congregations and extended families have been split. This year they will undertake this important pillar of their faith under lockdown, with many on the frontline as key workers battling to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Channel 4 Head of Specialist Factual, Fatima Salaria said: “This is an exceptional time for us all, bringing a range of challenges to every aspect of society. These short films will  include the stories of NHS workers on the frontline who as well as caring for the most vulnerable will also be observing Ramadan.  The shorts will be mostly filmed by contributors themselves thus allowing us into their worlds and lives...both Farah and Heenan are the masters of getting access into the Muslim community because of the trust they have built up over the years and I’m confident they will deliver an insightful window into one of the most important months in the Muslim Calendar.”

Clockwork Films founder, Heenan Bhatti said: “We’re delighted to be working with Channel 4 on this unique and important project of documenting British Muslims and their experiences of Ramadan in lockdown.” 

Ramadan in Lockdown (w/t) is a Clockwork Films production for Channel 4, commissioned by Head of Specialist Factual Fatima Salaria.  Executive Producer Heenan Bhatti and Series Producer Farah Qayum.



Notes to editors:

  • Clockwork Films is a newly formed independent production company, based in Leeds
  • Ramadan began Friday 24th April and to end with Eid on Saturday 23rd May


Press enquiries:

Susan Wilks swilks@channel4.co.uk