Channel 4 captures the new face of nursing

Category: News Release

Hamish Mykura, Head of Documentaries


Described recently as ‘the beating heart of our treasured NHS' by Prime Minister David Cameron, nurses care for and support the British public when they are at their most vulnerable, engaging and challenging. In recent years their role has been transformed.  For patients in hospital they remain the human face of the NHS and the constant presence through their journey of care. That journey is changing even more this year. Despite the reassurance that front line services will be protected, public service cuts will begin to bite. 

Nurses (working title) is commissioned by Aysha Rafaele and much of the focus is on the experiences of newly qualified nurses.   

Hamish Mykura, Head of Documentaries, said: "Channel 4 documentaries shines a light on the work that key workers do, in providing the frontline services that we all take for granted. We'll show their work in a human and engaging way by following a group of nurses, new to the profession, as they see for themselves what it is really like and learn hard lessons from the veterans of the wards." 

Aysha Rafaele, commissioning editor, added: "This observational five-part documentary series on nurses sets out to give a considered and intelligent insight into the real challenges of nursing in the 21st Century - and allows nurses to confess what they really think about their job, the NHS and us, the patients." 

Leading British film-maker and Series Director, Ben Anthony from Blast films said: "We have been filming a range of great characters in extraordinary situations that reflect the raw challenges nurses face on a daily basis. But it's also an intimate and revealing look at the impact the job has on the nurses' lives and vice versa. Crucially, the series will reflect the humour as well as the poignancy of caring for us, the public." 

The series has been filmed over six months at a major NHS Trust and is due for broadcast in late 2011.