Channel 4 celebrates cleverness with new series

Category: News Release

Britain's most gifted kids will get their turn in the spotlight in brand new Channel 4 series Child Genius, which will follow 20 extraordinary children and their families through the ultimate competition to find the UK's brainiest child.

In many countries, including the US, competitions such as spelling bees are highly prized, but in the UK, being clever isn't seen as cool. But in 2013, the UK's cleverest 5-11 year olds will enter the first ever competition to find the nation's child genius of the year. The competition, organised in association with Mensa, will celebrate twenty remarkable children as they showcase their amazing mental abilities.

The programme, made by Wall to Wall, has exclusive access to the kids and their parents through every phase of the build-up and the contest, and with individual and parental pride at stake, they will battle it out in four rounds to see who is crowned champion. 

The series will explore every aspect of their lives: what does it takes to raise a genius? Are the kids born with their abilities or are they are result of their upbringing? Filled with laughs, warmth, and jaw-dropping moments, this is the ultimate competition to find Britain's brainiest kid. 

Child Genius was commissioned by Channel 4 Head of Factual Entertainment, Liam Humphreys, and Factual Entertainment Commissioning Editor, Lucy Leveugle. The 4x60 series will be executive produced by Wall to Wall's Mark Saben and will air on Channel 4 in 2013.

Liam Humphreys said: "Intelligence is an under-appreciated commodity in Britain. While other countries like the US celebrate their super-bright kids, Britain's child geniuses often feel they have to hide their skills away. But Channel 4 is about to change all that, with a campaign to celebrate cleverness and designed to highlight the talents of these extraordinary children."

Mensa's Gifted Child Consultant, Lyn Kendall, said: "This competition will give our brightest children a chance to shine and will raise the profile of gifted children in the UK in a positive manner.  Following the success of the Olympics and the Paralympics it will show our children that academic achievement should also be celebrated".