Channel 4 commissions Ivanka Trump: America's Real First Lady? (w/t)

Category: News Release

The Trump presidency has so far been dramatic, unpredictable and mired in controversy. Amid the mayhem surrounding the President there has been one woman in President Trump’s inner circle, a woman who appears to hold more influence over him than his wife or official special advisors – his 35 year old daughter Ivanka.

Matt Frei travels to the United States to delve deeper into the background of the President’s most famous daughter – who really is Ivanka Trump and how much influence does she have over the Oval Office? Is she the de facto First Lady? From high school model to successful businesswoman, a mother of three who advocates women’s rights – how does Ivanka fit in to the Trump narrative?

This one hour documentary, commissioned by Tom Porter, will explore the relationship between Ivanka and her father, how she aligns her #womenwhowork campaigns with her father’s apparent misogyny, and whether or not she has her eyes on the bigger prize of the highest seat in politics for herself.

Tom Porter says, “President Trump’s daughter has emerged as a major force in his administration and, increasingly, it would seem, in world politics. Matt Frei’s razor sharp insight allows this entertaining film to analyse what makes Ivanka tick and ultimately ask could this be the first female president in training.’

Adam Vandermark, ITN Productions Executive Producer says, “It’s clear President Trump invests a lot of trust in Ivanka, along her husband Jared Kushner. They’ve emerged as Washington’s ultimate power couple. But how did this very close father-daughter relationship develop, and what does it mean for the dynamics of the Trump Presidency? Matt Frei delivers a fascinating insight into Donald Trump’s eldest daughter, and finds out if she has her eye on the ultimate prize –  the Oval Office eventually for herself”.

Ivanka Trump: America’s Real First Lady?(w/t) is a 1 x 60, produced by ITN Productions, directed by Lesley Gardiner, it will air in May 2017