Channel 4 commissions new daytime show, Quiz Trippers

Category: News Release

Helen Warner, Head of Daytime

A team of avid quizzers, a small mobile home and one big challenge - these are the ingredients of Channel 4's brand new daytime show, Quiz Trippers.

Head of Daytime, Helen Warner has commissioned STV Productions to make Quiz Trippers, the show that follows five keen pub quizzers as they spend a week travelling the length and breadth of the country in a campervan to take part in a different local pub quiz every night.

Narrated by Christopher Biggins, the team must rely on their wit and general knowledge to win the cash prize at each quiz. And with only basic food and water supplies on the campervan, our quizzers must decide how much, if any, of their winnings to spend on drink and more luxurious treats. Anything left over is theirs to keep.

But there's a twist - only one member of the team will walk away with the prize money at the end of the week. After each quiz, the team members must collectively decide who the most deserving winner is, and the person with the most votes at the end of the week is crowned overall winner.

Full of drama, humour, rivalry and great characters, Quiz Trippers begins this summer on Channel 4.