Channel 4 commissions new SAS series

Category: News Release

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Selection for the SAS is one of the most physically challenging and psychologically demanding military entrance processes in the world. In a new fixed-rig series Channel 4 is putting a group of men from all walks of life through tests to which the SAS subjects its recruits, to discover if they have the psychological strength required to make the grade.

Every one of the tests in SAS: The Selection (w/t) has been taken from genuine Special Forces selection and has been designed to play on the weaknesses that come to the surface when people are pushed to the edge.  They will be run by a team of former Special Forces servicemen, who will reveal the character of the recruits through psychological warfare, including endurance marches, sleep deprivation and interrogation.

The fixed-rig format means the recruits will be totally isolated, dealing only with each other and with the SAS team in charge. As the stress and tension grows, the ex-servicemen will be constantly challenging, monitoring and judging them. As with the real selection process, most who start will never finish.

The series has been commissioned for Channel 4 by John Hay from Minnow Films. The Executive Producer for Minnow is Colin Barr. Filming will begin in June.