Channel 4 confirms line up so far for Britain Decides: The Everything But Brexit Debate

Category: News Release

With just days to go before the UK goes to the polls, Cathy Newman will host a live debate from Leeds looking at the key election issues away from Brexit.

Produced by ITN Productions, the 90-minute programme, Britain Decides: The Everything But Brexit Debate see an audience of undecided voters question senior figures on a range of issues, including crime, the NHS, the economy, climate change and poverty.

Confirmed to take part are Angela Rayner the Shadow Secretary of State for Education from the Labour Party, leader of the Liberal Democrats Jo Swinson, co-leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley, with the SNP represented by their Health spokesperson in the House of Commons Philippa Whitford and Plaid Cymru by leader, Adam Price.

Channel 4 News and Current Affairs Commissioning Editor, Louisa Compton said: “We know that our audiences are frustrated at how Brexit has dominated this election – squeezing out other vitally important issues. This debate – with an audience of undecided voters – will address that by giving airtime to issues that are affecting our audiences’ lives.”

Director of TV Production at ITN Productions, Ian Rumsey, who is also Executive Producer added: “This election has been dominated by Brexit, but this debate is a chance to examine all the other issues that matter so much to voters, like the state of their schools, hospitals and public services. It is vital for our democracy that these issues aren’t overlooked and are scrutinised properly before polling day.”

Britain Decides: The Everything But Brexit Debate transmits on Channel 4 at 6.30pm on Sunday, 8th December.