Channel 4 Embarrassing Bodies app tops iTunes chart

Category: News Release

The Embarrassing Bodies My HealthChecker iPhone app has raced to the top of the free chart on iTunes App Store with well over 300,000 downloads so far, following the start of the new series of Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic on Channel 4 last Tuesday.

The My HealthChecker application enables users to utilise particular functions of the iPhone such as its audio capabilities and touch sensitivity to carry out a range of self-checks. New tests available include eyesight and colour blindness tests, as well as memory and lung function tests, and users can track their results over time - and even compare them anonymously with the hundreds of thousands of other users.

In addition, the My MoleChecker app has had 71,681 downloads and the My SelfChecker app a further 15,061 over the last week.  All three apps were commissioned by Channel 4's Multiplatform Commissioner Adam Gee to further build upon the programme's strong multi-platform presence.