Category: News Release
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  • The first broadcaster to ring-fence commissioning spend for ethnically diverse-led indies
  • A guaranteed commission from each genre team for at least one new show with ethnically diverse talent and/or ethnically-diverse stories at its heart every year
  • Every Channel 4 commissioning editor to have at least one ethnically diverse-led indie on their development slate, supported by ring-fenced development spend
  • Channel 4 will continue to work with the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity and their research will inform a review of the channel’s Commissioning Diversity Guidelines to publish early 2022


Channel 4 has set out its next steps from the Black to Front Project and outlines the work and commitments it is undertaking to implement significant change.

The Black to Front Project saw Channel 4’s entire programming schedule fronted by Black talent and contributors on screen, across all genres and advertisements for one day, with the aim of amplifying Black voices and talent in front of and behind the screen.



Ian Katz, Chief Content Officer, Channel 4 said: "The idea of our Black to Front Project was to deliver a step-change in diverse representation both on Channel 4 and in the wider industry. We've already seen it's powerful impact on screen and now we are building on what we've learned through the project, with a wide-ranging and ambitious set of commitments to ensure that the project creates a real legacy of meaningful change.


“I’m delighted that after driving the move to out of London production with ambitious targets for regional spend, Channel 4 will be the first broadcaster committing to ring fence and increase spend with ethnically diverse-led companies, which is key to ensuring that television doesn’t just look more diverse on screen but actually sees a real shift of power to ethnically-diverse creatives.


“We know that the key to shifting the dial on diverse representation is to ensure that people get jobs, credits and real creative power, and that’s what these commitments are designed to deliver.”


Countdown BTF


Following recommendations from the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity Channel 4 set out the target to achieve 100% Black representation behind the camera off-screen for all new commissions from the Project. Data from new commissions on the day itself revealed that on average 65% of editorial roles were Black staff. Craft and Technical roles were, on average, filled by 45% Black staff.



To drive lasting change, Channel 4 has committed to a number of measures to increase Black representation within the industry:


  • Ring-fenced fund for commissions from ethnically diverse-led independent production companies tripling current spend by 2023


  • Starting 2022, each genre to commission at least one new show with ethnically diverse talent and/or ethnically diverse stories at its heart every year


  • From January 2022, every Channel 4 commissioning editor to have at least one ethnically diverse-led indie on their development slate


  • Supported and funded by 4Skills, Channel 4 will partner with We Are Parable to amplify and deliver ‘Momentum’, its mentorship and training programme to develop Black TV & Filmmakers and content creators through the film and TV industry. This programme will run in 2022 and take place in six cities – Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, London and Manchester.


  • To ensure the progression of Black talent within the industry, Channel 4 has established 10 progression placements within independent production companies, providing funding for training and support. Placements includes training for a number of roles, from Art Director and Researcher to Production Manager and Director roles


  • Channel 4 will continue to work with the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity to assess the Black to Front Project and its impact on Black representation both on and off screen within the industry. The findings will be used to inform new Channel 4 Commissioning Diversity Guidelines.  These new guidelines will be reflective of the different nations and regions across the UK and be fit for purpose for at least the next 5 years.  The new guidelines will be launched by end Q1 2022.


Marcus Ryder MBE, Visiting Professor at LHC and Head of External Consultancies at Birmingham City University said: "The Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, believes that Channel 4’s Black to Front Project has the potential to be an important step change in how UK television approaches and views diversity and inclusion.

“Like Channel 4 we also believe for any diversity, inclusion and equality policies to have any long-term meaningful impact, they must go beyond “one day” which is why it is essential that follow up work must be done. We are encouraged that Channel 4 is already embarking on this and we are looking forward to working with the broadcaster on this important work. Working with industry stakeholders we hope the day, and follow up work, will provide the catalyst for meaningful change in the UK media industry.”

Channel 4 recently announced a 6-part series recommission for Unapologetic (produced by SBTV and Cardiff Productions), the late-night topical discussion programme, presented by Yinka Bokinni and Zeze Millz, initially commissioned as part of the days content line-up.  Further new commissions to be announced.

The Black to Front Project was conceived by commissioning editors Vivienne Molokwu and Shaminder Nahal.  The project was led by Kelly Webb-Lamb, Babita Bahal and Director of Commissioning Operations, Emma Hardy. Ian Katz, Chief Content Officer continues to oversee implementation.




Notes to editors:

  • The slate of programming that aired on Friday 10th September attracted 16.2% share of Black viewers, Channel 4’s highest since the 2012 Olympics.  The figure quadrupled C4’s average daily share of black viewers for the previous 12 months, as the network attracted more than 300,000 black people,  doubling its average reach.
  • Ring-fenced spend excludes sport
  • We Are Parable is an award-winning film exhibition company, providing audiences around the UK with opportunities to respond to and experience Black cinema memorable and innovative ways.