Channel 4 increases BRITDOC Foundation funding by one third

Category: News Release

Channel 4 today announced that it is extending and increasing its funding of the BRITDOC documentary foundation. 

Since providing the funding that launched  BRITDOC in 2005, Channel 4 has renewed its funding deal at regular intervals. The deal is now being extended to the end of 2013, including a funding increase of one third.

The BRITDOC Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation with a remit to create new funding and distribution models for the best independent documentary films.

The Foundation has so far funded over 60 films including numerous award-winning and critically-acclaimed titles, such as Hell and Back Again (double Sundance winner), Chosen (BAFTA), Afghan Star (double Sundance winner) and We Are Together (Tribeca winner), The Yes Men Fix the World (Berlin winner) Here's Johnny (Double Grierson winners) and powerful campaigning films like The End of the Line and Black Gold.  

The Foundation also brokers new relationships between filmmakers, NGOs and brands through initiatives such as the Good Pitch. 

Jay Hunt, Channel 4 Chief Creative Officer, said:  "For nearly seven years BRITDOC has been the catalyst for an incredibly impressive body of work. BRITDOC nurtures new and emerging talent, its films win major awards and are seen worldwide at festivals and screenings. They are making great, strides in harnessing social media and  enable films with a true social purpose to be told to as wide an audience as possible. The work that Jess and the team do is vital in stimulating and growing the remarkable creative culture that exists in the UK today."

Jess Search, Chief Executive BRITDOC, said: "It would have been impossible to have got the Foundation off the ground six and a half years ago with anyone except Channel 4.  They took a risk on us and provided 100% of our initial funding.  I'm happy to say that their bet paid off and the Foundation has now grown into a mature organisation with international partnerships including Sundance Institute, PUMA.Creative and Ford Foundation.  We are incredible grateful to Channel 4 for investing in the power of documentary and continuing to support us so generously."

Channel 4's Chief Executive, David Abraham, said:  "I'm delighted that we're able to not only extend our support of BRITDOC, but also to increase funding, particularly in such an uncertain economic climate. Documentary film-making has always been in our DNA at Channel 4. Its unique ability to help people see the world around them differently, to challenge behaviours and to shine a light on corners of the world that would otherwise go unnoticed, is something that we need to nurture for future generations. I am also heartened that BRITDOC has continued to grow its suite of sponsors and supporters."