Channel 4 introduces First Time Farmers

Category: News Release

First Time Farmers is a brand new five-part observational documentary series looking at all aspects of farming life through the eyes of the younger generation. Set in the picturesque English countryside, these fresh faced individuals are certainly not your average looking traditional farmers - they are the hard-working modern breed of the farming generation breathing new life into the agricultural world.

Filmed over a six-month period, this observational series will lift the lid on the dilemmas, pressures and daily grind of young farmers living in the Cotswold's, Herefordshire and the West Country. A career in agriculture doesn't mean it's all work without play, these young farmers will share how they balance life living on the farm and if there is any room left for love, laughter and partying with mates. Their family and friends reveal what they make of their preferred lifestyle, and the young farmers are given advice by the more experienced older generation of farmers.

Created by the same team behind Made in Chelsea, each episode will meet three new young farmers including apprentices, shepherds and slaughter men. Aged from sixteen to early twenties, the youngsters reveal why they have chosen to work in the most ancient and grueling of trades. Some of the young farmers have had their careers mapped out since birth, inheriting farms built by generations of their family before them; whilst others are a building a career from scratch with no farming background at all. One young farmer even quit his city job for a calmer pace of life in the countryside. Whatever the reason, all the young farmers have one thing in common - they must face the daily challenges that could severely impact their livelihood. Every day they worry about whether enough rain will fall, if their lambs will survive birth or if a disease could wipe out their livestock? 

First Time Farmers will be made by Monkey and was commissioned by Channel 4 Commissioning Editor, Mark Raphael. He says, ‘At a time when it is harder than ever for people to get jobs, this new series tells the story of a new breed of enthusiastic youngsters who have chosen against a typical 9-to-5 career. First Time Farmers will deliver a fun and fresh outlook into modern day agriculture because for these young people, farming isn't just a job but a lifestyle.'

Victoria Silver, Executive Producer at Monkey, adds ‘For the first time ever First Time Farmers will explore the world of farming through the prism of youth. The farmers in our series are unbelievably passionate and committed to what they do and have responsibilities way beyond their years. Like their contemporaries they use Facebook and Twitter, go clubbing and have relationships. What sets them apart from their peers is that they must reconcile their passions with 4am starts, an eye on the weather and solitary jobs where the needs of the animals under their watch must come first."

First Time Farmers will TX on Friday 11th January 2013 on Channel 4. Monkey is a division of NBC Universal International Television Production.