Channel 4 invites viewers to tell them what they really think

Category: News Release

Channel 4 launches a new consumer marketing campaign this weekend to invite viewers to join its innovative audience insight panel core4 to help shape the future of Channel 4.

Around 10,000 viewers will initially be recruited to form the core4 panel who will be asked to complete regular surveys on a whole range of topics, including testing programme and marketing concepts and giving their opinions on pilot shows. They will also be asked about their brand preferences, what they think of 4oD, and for their feedback on programmes. In return, viewers will be given many chances to win prizes.

core4 builds upon Channel 4 deepening the two-way relationship it enjoys with its viewers – and for the first time collectively enables the broadcaster to match behavioural data from its database of unique registered users with their survey responses. This scale of insight will help further inform Channel 4’s viewer engagement strategy and the development of new commercial data models.

Channel 4 now has over 10 million registered viewers – including half of all 16-24 year olds in the UK.

Andrew Tenzer, Advertising Research & Development Manager at Channel 4 said: “Our new core4 panel will give our viewers a real stake in Channel 4 as we encourage them to tell us exactly what they think of us – and our ears are open to all their views. The valuable insight from the panel will be utilised by both editorial and commercial teams to further understanding into the mindset of our audience.”

“This is another key development in helping us to enrich our relationship with our viewers and ensure they get more out of their experience of Channel 4.”

Channel 4 has partnered with eDigitalResearch to provide this pioneering new audience panel.

Derek Eccleston, Commercial Director at eDigitalResearch, comments: “Listening to your customers these days really is so important. We live in a world where media is fragmented and consumption patterns are changing rapidly.

“We’re delighted to be working with Channel 4 on the viewer panel and look forward to developing an invaluable insight resource with them. core4 will provide both an engaging and innovative way for audience members to reach out to Channel 4 decision makers and tell them what they really think, while at the same time, developing and strengthening their relationship with the brand.”